A rescue for Spain will be Europes fourth since the single currency bloc s debt crisis erupted two years ago. 对西班牙的救援将是欧洲第四次伸出援手,第一次是爆发在两年前的单一货币债务危机。
Chinese companies are ditching the renminbi and flocking to the euro to raise new offshore debt, as the imminent launch of quantitative easing in the single currency bloc sends ripples through global markets. 随着欧元区即将启动的量化宽松计划在全球市场激起涟漪,中国企业纷纷弃用人民币发债,转而发行新的欧元离岸债券。
Eurozone quantitative easing was launched to save the single currency bloc. 欧元区推出了量化宽松举措,以拯救这个单一货币联盟。
That puts it on course for its steepest quarterly fall since the autumn of 2011, when fears of the currency bloc imploding were at their height. 照目前的趋势,欧元兑美元汇率将创下自2011年秋人们对欧元区崩溃的担忧情绪达到顶峰以来,幅度最大的季度下跌。
Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc – its money functions as a real store of value, and convertibility is not in question. 葡萄牙属于一个强势货币区,其货币可充当真正的保值物,可兑换性也不成问题。
Asian stocks were weak Monday, and the euro fell to an 11-year low, renewing fears the European common currency bloc could unravel. 亚洲股市周一走低,而欧元跌至11年来的最低点,这反映出人们担心欧元区可能解体。
More recently the renminbi has been bouncing back, while the euro has been weakening significantly as the European Central Bank has taken steps to ease policy in the currency bloc. 最近,人民币汇率有所反弹,欧元汇率却大幅下跌,原因是欧洲央行(ECB)已采取措施放松欧元区的货币政策。
It remains to be seen whether such arguments will help the euro win more adherents in other eastern European countries that have yet to join, like Poland, whose relatively fast-growing economy would provide some badly needed dynamism to the currency bloc. 尚不清楚这些观点是否有助于在其他尚未加入欧元区的东欧国家,为欧元赢得更多支持。这些国家中包括波兰,该国增长相对较快的经济将会给欧元区注入急需的活力。
Although most of the European Union's 28 member countries are obliged to adopt the euro, no additional countries are expected to join the currency bloc for at least several years. 尽管在欧盟的28个成员国当中,大多数都应当使用欧元,但至少在未来数年中,预计不会再有其他国家加入欧元区。
The rating agency said the outlook had changed because of both the increased likelihood of an exit by Greece from the single currency and the need for greater financial support for struggling eurozone countries from the strongest members of the bloc. 穆迪表示,调降评级展望是因为希腊退出单一货币的可能性提高,以及欧元区困难国家需要强大成员国提供更多财务援助。
But although Germany is the currency bloc's paymaster, pushing for a technical default won't help matters. 尽管德国是欧元区的主力,但推动技术性违约并不能起到帮助。
The eurozone has the money for this: the currency bloc is in external balance. 欧元区拿得出这笔钱:欧元区对外收支不存在失衡。
Multiple rating downgrades would hit the ECB's financial viability and possibly unleash a financial crisis just at the time that it would have limited means to support the currency bloc's economy. 一旦多个国家的信用评级被降低,则会重创央行的金融能力,甚至有可能在找到支撑欧元区经济的有限方式时引发金融危机。
A stuttering recovery and a worrying drop in inflation have raised fears of another crisis in the currency bloc and put pressure on policy makers to cast aside powerful German opposition and begin purchasing sovereign debt. 步履蹒跚的复苏以及令人担心的通胀下降,已经引起人们对欧洲货币联盟陷入又一场危机的担忧,并向政策制定者施加压力,要求其抛开德国的坚决反对,开始购买主权债务。
The positive news from China overshadowed data from Europe indicating that the downturn in the currency bloc was deepening rather than easing. 来自中国的正面消息抵消了欧洲经济数据显示欧元区经济下行走势正在加剧而非放缓的影响。
European leaders could hold a special summit in early March to discuss the euro and to push for a comprehensive reform package in the currency bloc, euro zone government sources said on Friday. 欧洲各国领导人能在三月初举行特别首脑会议,讨论并推动欧元在欧元区全面改革方案,欧元区政府消息人士周五表示。
In his first interview since becoming ECB president on November 1, Mr Draghi said that struggling eurozone countries that quit the currency bloc would face still greater economic pain. 德拉吉在11月1日出任欧洲央行行长以来接受的首次采访中表示,陷入困境的欧元区国家如果退出货币联盟,将面临更大的经济困难。
Hedge funds such as brevan Howard and Moore capital, have concluded that the political and regulatory risks associated with positions against individual countries in the currency bloc were now too unpalatable. 布勒旺霍华德(brevanhoward)、摩尔资本(moorecapital)等对冲基金已得出结论,认为针对欧元区个别国家的头寸所面临的政治与监管风险目前已经难以接受。
Perhaps, for example, Canada and Mexico will eventually form a North American currency bloc with the US, possibly extending to include a significant part of Latin America. 例如,加拿大和墨西哥或许最终会与美国建立北美货币集团,并可能扩展到拉丁美洲的大部分地区。
Even Germany, the currency bloc's economic powerhouse, is not immune to the global moderation in growth. 即使是被誉为欧元区的“发动机”的德国,也对全球经济发展减慢失去了免疫力。